38 research outputs found

    Alte Pfade der Integration und der Versuch, nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg neue Wege einzuschlagen: das Beispiel der Infrastrukturen in Europa

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    'Der Aufsatz beschĂ€ftigt sich am Beispiel der ersten Versuche zur Formulierung einer Verkehrspolitik der EuropĂ€ischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft mit der Frage, warum es nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg so schwierig war, neue Wege zur Integration von Infrastrukturen in Europa einzuschlagen. Es wird die These vertreten, dass dabei neben den Inhalten von Politik auch institutionelle PfadabhĂ€ngigkeiten - im Sinne der Neuen Institutionenökonomik - eine nicht zu unterschĂ€tzende Rolle spielten. In methodischer Hinsicht kommen die Verfasser zu dem Ergebnis, dass das Konzept der PfadabhĂ€ngigkeit aus der Perspektive des Historikers eine Reihe von Defiziten aufweist, die in erster Linie auf die Interpretierbarkeit, die schwierige Abgrenzung und das hohe Abstraktionsniveau ihrer Analysekategorien zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sind. Institutionelle Persistenzen werden letztlich als nur auf einer makro- oder meso-historischen Untersuchungsebene nachweisbar bewertet.' (Autorenreferat)'This article investigates the difficulties in taking new paths towards the integration of infrastructure sectors after World War II. Focus is laid on the early EEC transport policy. The authors support the hypothesis that apart from different national policies institutional path dependencies - in the sense of New Institutional Economics - played a crucial role for the failure of the EEC's common transport policy. Regarding the methodological approach the authors draw the conclusion that the concept of path dependencies suffers from a number of deficits like analytical categories which are difficult to distinguish or the high level of abstraction. Institutional persistencies are considered primarily provable on a macro- or mesohistorical level of analysis.' (author's abstract


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    Contents Editorial Thematic Focus: Socio-Informatics Introduction to the Thematic Focus “Socio-Informatics” / Claudia MĂŒller Digitalisation in Small German Metal-Working Companies. Appropriation of Technology in a “Traditional” Industrial Domain / Bernhard Nett, Jennifer Bönsch Travelling by Taxi Brousse in Madagascar: An Investigation into Practices of Overland Transportation / Volker Wulf, Kaoru Misaki, Dave Randall, and Markus Rohde Mobile and Interactive Media in the Store? Design Case Study on Bluetooth Beacon Concepts for Food Retail / Christian Reuter, Inken Leopold Facebook and the Mass Media in Tunisia / Konstantin Aal, MarĂ©n Schorch, Esma Ben Hadj Elkilani, Volker Wulf Book Review Symposium Charles Goodwin Charles Goodwin’s Co-Operative Action: The Idea and the Argument / Erhard SchĂŒttpelz, Christian Meyer Multi-Modal Interaction and Tool-Making: Goodwin’s Intuition / Christian Meyer, Erhard SchĂŒttpelz Co-Operation is a Feature of Sociality, not an Attribute of People : “We inhabit each other’s actions.” (Goodwin, cover) / Jutta Wiesemann, Klaus Amann The Making of the World in Co-Operative Action. From Sentence Construction to Cultural Evolution / JĂŒrgen Streeck On Goodwin and his Co-Operative Action / Jörg R. Bergman

    Copyright law

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    Contents Editorial Research Articles Formats as Media of Cooperation / Axel Volmar Thematic Focus: Copyright Law Editorial: The Reference as Part of the Art Form. A Turning Point in Copyright Law? / Dagmar Hoffmann, Nadine Klass The Concept of “Pastiche” in Directive 2001/29/EC in the Light of the German Case Metall auf Metall / FrĂ©dĂ©ric Döhl Transformative Works and German Copyright Law as Matters of Boundary Work / Kamila Kempfert, Wolfgang Reißmann Negotiating Legal Knowledge, Community Values, and Entrepreneurship in Fan Cultural Production / Sophie G. EinwĂ€chter Referencing in Academia: Video Essay, Mashup, Copyright / Eckart Voigts, Katerina Marshfield Re-Use under US Copyright Law: Fair Use as a Best Practice or Just a Myth of Balance in Copyright? / Sibel Kocatepe Reports Grounded Design in a Value Sensitive Context / Volker Wulf in conversation with Batya Friedma

    Media ethnography

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    Contents Editorial Thematic Focus: Media Ethnography Media Ethnography and Participation in Online Practices / David Waldecker, Kathrin Englert, Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Oliver Schmidtke The Story is Everywhere. Dispersed Situations in a Literary Role Play Game / Wolfgang Reißmann Co-operation and/as Participant Observation: Reflections on Ethnographic Fieldwork in Morocco / Simon Holdermann Ethnomethodological Media Ethnography: Exploring Everyday Digital Practices in Families with Young Children / Clemens Eisenmann, Jan Peter, Erik Wittbusch Cooperation and Difference. Camera Ethnography in the Research Project ‘Early Childhood and Smartphone’ / Bina E. Mohn, Pip Hare, Astrid Vogelpohl, Jutta Wiesemann Reports Coordinations, or Computing is Work / Sebastian Gießman

    The Mickey Mouse telephone : an icon of turning tides in the relationship between the state, the economy and society in 1980s Germany

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    The 1980s saw the triumph of neoliberal thinking in Western European societies and economies. Referring to neoliberal economists, governments across Europe implemented policies to deregulate (inter)national markets and to privatise national monopolies. One priority were the large postal and telecommunication services monopolies. In terms of media iconography, one icon of this ‘turn of the tides’ in the regulation of German telephone markets was the ‘Mickey Mouse Telephone’. It was a symbol of the American way of life and the freedom of choice, of the firm belief in the power of markets and the deregulation of monopolies. Nevertheless, the Mickey Mouse Telephone was an antagonism in itself. It was a symbol of American (technological) superiority, and yet, when it was introduced in the German market, it was overpriced and featured an outdated technology. Provided by the ‘Deutsche Bundespost’ – the German state-owned postal and telecommunications monopoly business – the Mickey Mouse Telephone was an analogue model equipped with a dial. The price was several times higher than for a standard phone model. This paper places the Mickey Mouse Telephone in the broader historical context of the relationship between the state, the economy and society in 1980s Germany

    Property Rights on a Cold War battlefield: managing broadcasting transmissions through the Iron Curtain

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    This paper analyses the international regime governing the use of broadcasting frequencies in the long and medium wave bands in Europe from 1950 until 1970. It tries to fathom what prevented the regime from collapsing, even though Cold War political tensions increased incentives to break international rules. The overall intention is to contribute to a better understanding of management institutions for open access resources. Special attention is paid to the property rights that were established, the particular rules for the enforcement of these property rights and the motivations of the different agents involved

    Jean d’Arcy et la naissance de l’Eurovision

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    L’Eurovision est affaire de temps et de patience. Il est difficile de concevoir Ă  ce stade quel programme d’échanges existerait aujourd’hui, Ă  l’échelle europĂ©enne, si l’UER (l’Union europĂ©enne de radio-tĂ©lĂ©vision) n’avait eu l’idĂ©e de rĂ©unir tant d’intĂ©rĂȘts divers dans un but commun. Peut-ĂȘtre apparaĂźtra-t-il banal de rappeler ici que l’union fait la force, mais il est indĂ©niable que les grands Ă©vĂ©nements de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, dont l’Eurovision a Ă©tĂ© le vĂ©hicule, ne pourraient avoir Ă©tĂ© r..

    And postal services?

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    This paper focusses on how the postal administrations and their international organisations responded to the digitisation of communication and to electronic mail services in particular. In the 1980s, on the one hand digital data processing became part of the letter mail infrastructures in the form of automatic letter sorting systems and on the other hand electronic mail services evolved as a potential future competitor. The paper shifts emphasis from the computer and telecommunications sector to the monopolists for physical mail (letter mail). In doing so, it will show that the digitisation of communication is not only a process of permanent technological progress, but also of alignment, examination and competition by and between different forms of communication such as physical mail. The physical postal services are an interesting example of a traditional form of communication which has had to find its way into the digital era